Friday, January 27, 2012

Squeeky Clean - Yarn Along

Second attempt at this post.... I completed the whole thing last night then lost it just as I pressed Publish...!! Time to update the RAM on this computer and soon.
The very Australian, Australian summer in the past week has limited the inclination to commune with wool but some little gifts for a friends 4 and 2 year old daughters were needed and knitted pocket mice in felt pouches seemed just the ticket.

A crazy week of too many outings and too many projects has me feeling overly juggled and jiggled. These mice should have been ready by today so it is a stroke of luck for me that the friend's visit had to be postponed but the desire to reschedule very soon will keep me focused to finish these, the little dolls and two pairs of baby pants to go with them.

This house is literally held together with books. Fifteen years working in bookstores and for publishing companies means there is quite a collection surrounding us here and many of them are still waiting for me to choose them. This year has started with a strong resolution to spend less and use more of what we have so I took myself into the lounge room and selected a book from our shelves.

Penelope Fitzgerald was an English writer who wrote from 1975 (year of my birth) till her death in 2000. Her writing career or published writing career began at the age of fifty-nine (hope for me yet) and in those twenty-five years she had 3 biographies, 9 novels and a collection of short stories published. The edition on my shelf includes three of her novels: The Bookshop, The Gate of Angels and The Blue Flower. I've just finished The Bookshop which was a delightful tale of a woman who decides to throw a lifetime of cautious living aside and open a bookshop in her sleepy English seaside town. An old building haunted by poltergeists, inclement weather and hostile townspeople all step in to create a litany of challenges for her. It reminded me of a favourite novel of mine called Miss Garnet's Angel and I feel that if Florence Green and Julia Garnet got together a very pleasant morning tea would ensue.

Greeniology and Slow Guide to Melbourne are two titles I'm dipping into for ideas on ways to reduce waste and chemicals in our home and also for great nature driven weekend outings with the boys.

Having already worked our way through the three Faraway Tree volumes, Big Pickle and I are now deeply and enchantingly involved in the Wishing Chair many wonderful childhood memories flooding back for me and its so fun seeing how the details of the stories find their way into his play.

So, due to forgetting to embrace the slow properly this week and technical glitches, I'm joining Ginny's wonderful Yarn Along two days late.

At least I would have joined but the widget expired five hours ago....! Thanks for that dodgy RAM.

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